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Free Cryptocurrency Trading Course

A Free Cryptocurrency Trading Course for Beginners

If you pay attention to the news or the tech sector at all, I’m sure you’ve heard about cryptocurrency. This exciting new technology will transform the way we consume and do business in the years to come and if you want to stay ahead of the curb, it’s important to understand the basics. At Crypto60 we are offering a free cryptocurrency trading course to anyone looking to better understand this new trend. Our course explains the basics of cryptocurrency for beginners, so you don’t have to be a tech expert to follow along.
Cryptocurrency is a decentralized, digital form of money that is powered by what is called the blockchain. The blockchain is an encrypted online digital ledger that records all transactions that occur from party to party. The most famous cryptocurrency is Bitcoin because it is the first and most widely adopted. But there are thousands of cryptocurrencies in existence, some of which offer competing technologies and others that are simple rip-offs. All of these altcoins also use the blockchain to fuel transactions and are based on strings of code that are used to identify a unique transaction. Cryptocurrencies are not beholden to a particular geographic location or government structure and therefore present exciting opportunities to those doing global business deals and online transactions. It’s a currency for the information age that can transcend borders and has the power to transform our global financial system.
If you’d like to know more about this new technology, check out our free cryptocurrency trading course. We go more in-depth about how the technology works, the differences between popular coins, and how to trade cryptocurrency for beginners. We are on a mission to make crypto accessible to the masses. Join us today if you are ready to learn about this revolutionary new technology and take control of the future.

+1 (514) 799-7734


Crypto60 does not provide any financial advice or endorses any specific digital asset of any kind  The digital assets recommended on the site are based on our own research and are listed for information purposes only.  People using the site must do their own research and consider their own financial situation before making any investment decisions.

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